Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A lazy day!

Vern went on a bike ride this morning back up the Col de Vence and then we lounged by the pool. Big plans to drive to Biot to see glass/pottery was overcome by the lure of the lounges. Tomorrow we plan to go to the market in Tourettes Sur Loup and then we have a tour of Nice planned (a guide will be picking us up, as we don't want to drive along the coast). No pix today, but more to come tomorrow!

Monday, August 30, 2010

We smell so good!

Woke up this morning and had a lovely breakfast at our B & B--see pix of breakfast room and our hostess Wendy (from New Zealand). Then Vern went off on an exploratory bike ride and when he got back we drove to Grasse to visit the Fragonard perfume factory. Built originally in 1782 and one of the last family-owned artisanal factories in the Grasse region, Fragonard was founded in 1926. The Grasse region boasts a special location that fosters all sorts of flowers and aromatic plants. In the sixteenth century its perfume industry grew out of the rage for scented gloves, made popular by Catherine of Medici. Fragonard has its own "nose", an expert in the detection of scent, which requires 7 years of training; experienced "noses" can detect over 3500 different essences! The second picture shows the technique of "enfleurage", which means that when people started making perfume, they put individual flowers on a layer of fat, changed the flowers every couple of hours and then added alcohol to the fat to distill it to the pure essence of the flower. Much too labor intensive for today, so they crush the flowers and distill the essence; I think the guide told us that two tons of flowers were necessary for 2 ounces of essence. (which is why good perfume is so expensive!).
After the tour, we stopped at the boutique and I bought some perfume that drives Vern wild (at least on the inside--he doesn't do "wild on the outside") and then we had lunch at a little cafe in the old town. Now we're back at the B & B for a well-deserved nap and swim. Beautiful weather still! Also included overall map of bike trip, so you can see how much distance we covered!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hello again!

Hi all--no posts for the last two days because of no internet access--that will tell you a little about how remote we are! (Actually the last hotel had internet but I was too cheap to pay 5 euro for 30 minutes!). Anyway, to catch up--Thursday was the most epic ride of all--the Telegraphe, Galibier and Izoard all in one day, with 11,000 feet of climbing. At the end, Vern had lost the will to live. On Friday, another series of difficult climbs--Col de Vars, Col de la Bonnette and Col de la Couillole. The weather was really windy at the top of the La Bonette, and we barely escaped with our lives! Gravel and rocks hitting the van, gusts of dust, etc. We got everyone in the van, put the bikes on the top of the van and drove down about 10k to get out of the wind. Then it was great! The last day of riding (Saturday) was a fairly easy ride into Opio, just 80 miles and two small passes. Had a fabulous "farewell" dinner at a beautiful hotel on a golf course and then woke up this a.m. for our transfer to the Nice airport and our B & B. The garmin helped us get out of the airport and guided us to Le Mas des Amandiers--you can see the pool, which is right outside our room, and the view. We are now ready to take a dip and a nap. Weather beautiful--about 76 degrees--even went to Le Clerc french grocery store (kind of like Von's--except they wouldn't take my card) and stocked up on beer, wine, bread, cheese and fruit. Au revoir for now--love to all!
PS--the correct answer to the cow questions: cow painted on elevator in our hotel, transferring milk from a local farmer to the big milk truck. (Martin, you win the award for the best answers!)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Col de la Madeleine!

We had wonderful weather today (praise God!) and the group climbed another 9350 feet--a VERY long 25K climb (Col de la Madeleine)--absolutely beautiful at the top. We are now in St Jeanne de Maurienne and Vern is taking a well-deserved nap. His picture at the top of the summit is a testament to his determination (and great care from his wife). I was forced to have a chocolate eclair with my lunch today so we are sure to be contributing to the local economy. French pastry is the best! Continuing on the cow theme, anyone have a guess where this cow was painted? And what are the men doing with these two trucks? On the way to the Col du Telegraphe, Col du Galibier and Col d'Izoard tomorrow. For those followers who are not avid cyclists, I promise more culture beginning next week.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A rainy day

Wow, what a day! It rained off and on the entire day and everyone slogged through some beautiful country. Luckily, it was the shortest day on the bike with three passes (Col de Saisies, Col des Aravis and the Cormet de Roselend--9000 feet of climbing.) The pictures are views on the way and Vern at the summit of the last pass. Then a 20K descent into Bourg St. Maurice to our hotel. Saw lots of cows--the only wild life. I was especially impressed by this cow on a bicycle. The forecast for tomorrow is much improved as we ride south, so I'm hopeful this will be our only day of clouds and wet. Still having a great time--suffering bonds folks together!

Monday, August 23, 2010

A great first day on the bike!

We had a wonderful day riding (driving) through the French countryside; fabulous scenery and some epic climbs. The last one (Col de la Columbiere) is a "beyond category" climb and the weather and conditions couldn't have been better. You can see Vern victorious at the top and him riding with Peter Thomson (owner of Thomson tours). Staying at a beautiful hotel in La Clusaz, which is another ski area. The other picture is of the "A group" of riders; Vern says he had one of his best days in the big mountains. The entire group of riders (20 in all) is really a nice bunch; one father/son, and one grandfather/son/grandson! The oldest rider is 74 and the youngest is 19. Looking forward to my first glass of wine for the day, as I was very busy helping out in the van, pouring water, getting snacks and being Vern's domestique!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Finally on the bike!

Gentlemen: now that I have your attention.... since we had Sophia Loren as our icon last year, we've decided to go with Brigitte for this year. However, I have not found a French actor that I feel passionately about (in fact, the only ones I know are Maurice Chevalier and Alain Delon), so I will continue to search for a mascot for us girls..

We left Geneva this morning after meeting Thomson tours at the airport. They drove us about 2 hours into the French alps to Chatel. Had a wonderful lunch and then the guys went on their "warm up" ride. I, of course, am on the balcony of my room having a glass of the local wine called "Mondeuse" bottled in Jongieux (wherever that is) and admiring the beautiful scenery. Someone has to be in charge of recording this epic, and it might as well be me. The ride starts in earnest tomorrow, where the men will be separated from the boys. Vern is riding A group this afternoon, but that choice is fluid. Tomorrow they will ride 74 miles with about 9700 feet of climbing into La Clusaz. Love to all you blog followers!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Geneva Day 2

Today was a little quieter; slept late and went on a 1 hour cruise of Lake Geneva, then walked around the old part of the city and the gardens. Please note the small chateau that we've put a down payment on above. It's good to be the king! Vern was thinking that the Specialized bike he brought was going to give him too much an advantage over the rest of the peloton, so we found a more suitable bike for him to ride on the bike tour. Yesterday, he also decided to give up his life of retirement and become a fondue chef--see his picture under the watchful eye of his teacher Madmoiselle Fifi. We also visited a French syle beach, but both of us had too many clothes on, so we were asked to leave! Actually the gendarmes were not tolerant of Vern's staring...

Friday, August 20, 2010


Hi all--arrived safely in Geneva after a great Air France flight; luggage and bike arrived safely. (not necessarily in order of importance). Arrived at our hotel and had dinner there--cheese fondue. Let's just say, Vern is not a fan.... Today (Friday) we went on a tour of Switzerland (yes, you can see the entire country in one day!). Stopped at Cailler (chocolate factory)--Vern IS a big fan, Gruyeres (see pix of Chateau Gruyeres), Golden Pass train ride from Lausanne to Montreaux and wine in Vevay. Had pizza and beer, followed up by really good gelato (Vern and I both fans). Tomorrow we take a boat ride on Lake Leman (Geneva) and a walk through old town Geneva. Speaking French is a challenge; so far we have "Parlez vous Anglais?" down pat.