Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hello again!

Hi all--no posts for the last two days because of no internet access--that will tell you a little about how remote we are! (Actually the last hotel had internet but I was too cheap to pay 5 euro for 30 minutes!). Anyway, to catch up--Thursday was the most epic ride of all--the Telegraphe, Galibier and Izoard all in one day, with 11,000 feet of climbing. At the end, Vern had lost the will to live. On Friday, another series of difficult climbs--Col de Vars, Col de la Bonnette and Col de la Couillole. The weather was really windy at the top of the La Bonette, and we barely escaped with our lives! Gravel and rocks hitting the van, gusts of dust, etc. We got everyone in the van, put the bikes on the top of the van and drove down about 10k to get out of the wind. Then it was great! The last day of riding (Saturday) was a fairly easy ride into Opio, just 80 miles and two small passes. Had a fabulous "farewell" dinner at a beautiful hotel on a golf course and then woke up this a.m. for our transfer to the Nice airport and our B & B. The garmin helped us get out of the airport and guided us to Le Mas des Amandiers--you can see the pool, which is right outside our room, and the view. We are now ready to take a dip and a nap. Weather beautiful--about 76 degrees--even went to Le Clerc french grocery store (kind of like Von's--except they wouldn't take my card) and stocked up on beer, wine, bread, cheese and fruit. Au revoir for now--love to all!
PS--the correct answer to the cow questions: cow painted on elevator in our hotel, transferring milk from a local farmer to the big milk truck. (Martin, you win the award for the best answers!)

1 comment:

  1. Le Clerc is one of the retail locations I visited while in France! You should have looked for Slime!
