Saturday, August 21, 2010

Geneva Day 2

Today was a little quieter; slept late and went on a 1 hour cruise of Lake Geneva, then walked around the old part of the city and the gardens. Please note the small chateau that we've put a down payment on above. It's good to be the king! Vern was thinking that the Specialized bike he brought was going to give him too much an advantage over the rest of the peloton, so we found a more suitable bike for him to ride on the bike tour. Yesterday, he also decided to give up his life of retirement and become a fondue chef--see his picture under the watchful eye of his teacher Madmoiselle Fifi. We also visited a French syle beach, but both of us had too many clothes on, so we were asked to leave! Actually the gendarmes were not tolerant of Vern's staring...

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