Sunday, August 22, 2010

Finally on the bike!

Gentlemen: now that I have your attention.... since we had Sophia Loren as our icon last year, we've decided to go with Brigitte for this year. However, I have not found a French actor that I feel passionately about (in fact, the only ones I know are Maurice Chevalier and Alain Delon), so I will continue to search for a mascot for us girls..

We left Geneva this morning after meeting Thomson tours at the airport. They drove us about 2 hours into the French alps to Chatel. Had a wonderful lunch and then the guys went on their "warm up" ride. I, of course, am on the balcony of my room having a glass of the local wine called "Mondeuse" bottled in Jongieux (wherever that is) and admiring the beautiful scenery. Someone has to be in charge of recording this epic, and it might as well be me. The ride starts in earnest tomorrow, where the men will be separated from the boys. Vern is riding A group this afternoon, but that choice is fluid. Tomorrow they will ride 74 miles with about 9700 feet of climbing into La Clusaz. Love to all you blog followers!

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