Monday, September 13, 2010

Last day in Paris!

Can't believe our vacation is almost over! We went to a wonderful concert last night in Sainte Chapelle and heard Vivaldi's "Four Seasons". Today walked to the Orangerie Museum to see the Impressionists (you can see me by Monet's "Water Lilies") and then to lunch--really good quiche and onion soup. Tonight we're going wine tasting and then to dinner at a small, but charming, restaurant nearby. It has been great, but we're ready to be home!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Seine River Cruise/Giverny

Hi all--we went on a Seine river dinner cruise last night--you can see the Eiffel Tower lit up as well as a view of all the beautiful historical buildings along the banks. Really fun--our last night of the Tauck tour. This morning we had a small group tour of Giverny (Monet's home and gardens), which is about an hour northwest of Paris. The gardens are unbelievable (if you're familiar with Monet's "Water Lilies" you'll recognize the photo I took); his house is very cool as well. We finally found out what Vern was named after--a town about 4K from Giverny. The way his name is pronounced in French makes him sound much more sophisticated than he is--"Vayr Nohn"--so now he's just answering to that. I think it's the beret and scarf he bought in Paris.....

Friday, September 10, 2010

Les Marais Walking Tour/Louvre Museum

Yesterday afternoon had a great walking tour with Paul Nahem, a displaced New Yorker who lives in the Marais. We saw these great old villas which have been restored and made into government buildings. He took our picture with Notre Dame in the background. We also had some outstanding ice cream (Berthillon); naturally I had to have two scoops! A wonderful dinner at a small restaurant in the Marais--very romantic. This morning we toured the highlights of the Louvre (Mona Lisa, Winged Victory, Venus de Milo, etc.) and now we're off to walk down the Champs de Elysees. Too bad Vern's bike is packed up--I'm sure he'd ride down the cobbles with no hands!


Yesterday we spent the morning in Avignon at the Palace of the Popes (those Catholic boys really knew how to take care of themselves in style) and then took the TGV (in French means "big fast train") from Avignon to Paris at 186 mph! A real experience, especially going through the Gare du Lyon train station with thousands of other happy travelers. Weather is beautiful, as is our hotel (Hotel du Louvre) right by the Louvre Museum. Went on a quickie city bus tour this morning, just to get our bearings. This afternoon, we're joining a local guide for a walking tour of the Marais (bohemian) area and then dinner at a recommended restaurant "Le Pamphlet." Paris is very user friendly, with wide boulevards and beautiful parks. We even saw the Champs de Elysees where the Tour de France finishes. Lots of cobbles and a crazy roundabout around the Arc de Triomphe.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Aix en Provence, Arles, Pont du Gard

Hi all--a little catching up to do. Spent yesterday in Aix-en-Provence, a beautiful college town (see college coed--dressed a little nicer than most of the college girls we see in the states--Vern just happened to see her while we were at lunch....). Then went wine-tasting at Chateau d'Estoublon (see the pix of the chateau)--good white wine, average red wine--all blends. They're using the concrete eggs to age the white wine that we saw in the Solvang area on our winetasting for Carly's last birthday. We're staying at a lovely hotel outside of St. Remy en Provence (see picture of dessert)--had a horrendous thunderstorm last night--lightening, thunder, and torrents of rain all night. You can see pix of the local flooding--luckily the storm passed and it was beautiful today for our visit to Arles and Pont du Gard. Pont du Gard (top picture) is part of the original Roman aquaduct dating from 1st century A.D.--Vern walked across the top! We head to an olive oil mill tonight for a tour and dinner and then on to Paris!
P.S. Clark/Kelly--I agree the blue shoes are best for Vern, but he just doesn't have a handbag to match.....

Monday, September 6, 2010

Eze, Monaco, Monte Carlo

Our first day of our Tauck tour began with a trip to the medeival village of Eze, high atop a mountain, dating back to the 14th century. It's a beautiful village with lovely narrow streets. We also saw a car that Mike Joyce might want to buy--lots of bling, but we all know how understated Mike is. In the tour group we met a couple from Mission Viejo, a lady from Coto de Caza that knows Cathy Joyce because her son goes to Tesoro, and a couple that lives in Rockville MD, and knows Jen and the dentists she works for! We then went to Monaco and Monte Carlo, home of the Gran Prix and the Grimaldi family (you remember Princess Grace and Prince Rainier). See the picture of their modest home above. Also picked up some sensible shoes (see pix). For those of you not schooled in European bathrooms, I also include a picture of our gold plated bidet--a wonderful place to wash your cycling shorts and other unmentionables.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Hotel Negresco, Nice

Last night we had our "farewell to St. Paul de Vence" dinner at Le Tilleul inside the walls in St. Paul. You can see a picture of our dessert. It was a beautiful night and a great setting. We checked into this amazing hotel (Hotel Negresco) this afternoon; you can see the view from our room. It was built in 1913; in 1914 war broke out and it was converted into a hospital. Henri Negresco, a Romanian immigrant left home at 15 to work in Paris and Monaco and then was the restaurant manager of the Municipal Casino in Nice. Backed by a wealthy automobile manufacturer, he toured the world to visit the most prestigious hotels to see what the "rich and famous" expected. (Luckily, he didn't live to see the Medeiros' in room 126!) The "bathing beauty" sculpture shows what can happen if you don't exercise and don't follow the spandex/bikini rule. The other sculture (called "pensive monkey") is reminscent of cyclists trying to decide what bike to buy or what kit to wear on the group ride...