Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Aix en Provence, Arles, Pont du Gard

Hi all--a little catching up to do. Spent yesterday in Aix-en-Provence, a beautiful college town (see college coed--dressed a little nicer than most of the college girls we see in the states--Vern just happened to see her while we were at lunch....). Then went wine-tasting at Chateau d'Estoublon (see the pix of the chateau)--good white wine, average red wine--all blends. They're using the concrete eggs to age the white wine that we saw in the Solvang area on our winetasting for Carly's last birthday. We're staying at a lovely hotel outside of St. Remy en Provence (see picture of dessert)--had a horrendous thunderstorm last night--lightening, thunder, and torrents of rain all night. You can see pix of the local flooding--luckily the storm passed and it was beautiful today for our visit to Arles and Pont du Gard. Pont du Gard (top picture) is part of the original Roman aquaduct dating from 1st century A.D.--Vern walked across the top! We head to an olive oil mill tonight for a tour and dinner and then on to Paris!
P.S. Clark/Kelly--I agree the blue shoes are best for Vern, but he just doesn't have a handbag to match.....

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