Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Market day in Tourettes Sur Loup/visit to Nice and Villefranche sur mer

Hi all--had a pretty full day today--visited the small town of Tourettes Sur Loup (the town clinging to the cliff) for their market day and then stopped by Vence for a coffee. Last night we ate at Le Tigre Pizzeria which was great--however, if you ever see this beer (Desperado), DO NOT drink it! The worst--tequila flavored beer--what a great way to ruin two good things! Then our guide picked us up at the B & B for a tour of Nice (Roman ruins, Matisse museum, Promenade des Anglais, and the views over the Cote d'Azur). Having dinner at home tonight--salad, bread and cheese. Vern did find some Fischer beer (French) which he likes, so all is well after the Desperado debacle!

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