Friday, September 3, 2010

Food, glorious food!

We went to a great French restaurant last night "Le Vieux Couvent" (the old convent) where we had the fixed price menu for 26 euro--appetizer, starter, entree and dessert. Absolutely fabulous--and great wine too! It was a bottle of 2007 Cuvee des Hautes Restanques, Domaine Valette (from Cotes de Provence); and if I can find it in the states, I'll send everyone a case! Today we went to Fondation Maeght, a modern art museum in St. Paul de Vence. Beautiful setting and pretty nice art too! Can't believe we go on the Tauck tour starting Sunday--the time flies by! Vern has conquered both sides of the Col du Vence, so he's happy. Weather still beautiful, so we're hoping that continues.

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